Field House and Facilities
The 31,000 square foot Field House at the Academy of the Sacred Heart provides the facilities needed for an athletic program bursting with excellence – a program that boasts state-wide titles and champions. The multi-sport facility complements sports fields and landscaping that are both ecologically and environmentally friendly. The Field House and fields are home to cross-country, field hockey, gymnastics, lacrosse, pom-pon/dance, soccer, tennis and volleyball.

The Field House is multifaceted, providing an after-school and weekend venue for gathering students of the Academy. This space creates programs and places where our students can welcome their friends “home” and learn the social and personal skills needed as they move to adulthood. In the cyber-café, aerobics room and cardio-vascular facilities, students learn healthy living and learn to combat the media focus on the unhealthy choices of obesity, self and substance abuse and destructive behavior.
Athletic Facilities Entrance and Parking
Although the school's address is 1250 Kensington Road, when visiting for an athletic event, it is best to use the school's Squirrel Road entrance. Enter "4206 Squirrel Rd, Bloomfield Twp, MI 48304" in your GPS device to be directed to this entrance. Visitor parking is available in the lot to the right as one enters.